What is 0458 Military Time?

Convert 0458 military time into standard (regular) AM/PM format.

0458 = 4:58 AM

0458 = 4:58 AM using regular (standard) 12-hour AM/PM notation.

What time is 0458 military time? 4:58 AM on the standard 12-hour clock. Pronounced “Zero Four Fifty-Eight”, It can be challenging to compare 0458 to 4:58 AM standard time. The conversion of both timekeeping systems is thoroughly explained in this tutorial. This includes advice on how to change military time to the 12-hour format as well as the correct way to pronounce words when talking. You can find a quick reference for 0458 below and more information on conversion and details for each minute from 0400 – 0459 military time through a time chart.

Military Time (24-Hour Clock) 12-Hour Regular Time
0458 4:58 AM

Converting 0458 Military Time into Regular/Standard Time

Converting 0458 from 24-hour military time to 12-hour time is easy!

  1. Identify if the time has a leading 0 (zero). For example, 0547. The zero is a “leading zero.
  2. When converting military time with a leading zero to standard time, the zero is removed. A leading zero means the converted time should be AM.
  3. First, we would take would 0458 military time, then add a colon between the hours (04) and minutes (58) leaving 04:58.
  4. Since we are considering 0458 with a leading zero, we would also drop the zero to convert military time to standard time.
  5. 0458 military time = 04:58 – leading zero + : + 58 minutes = 4:58 AM.

Extra If you were considering a conversion for 1658 instead, the converted standard time would be 4:58 PM.

How to Say 0458 (4:58 AM) in Military Time

You can say as: “Zero Four Fifty-Eight hours.”

Military Time to Standard/Regular Time Conversion Tool

Use the tool below to convert military time to standard time or, alternatively, converted standard time to military time quickly and easily!

Note: Select below to convert standard time (AM/PM) to military time.


0458 Military Time Conversion Chart

12 Hour ClockMilitary TimeHow to Say
04:00 AM0400Zero Four Hundred
04:01 AM0401Zero Four Zero One
04:02 AM0402Zero Four Zero Two
04:03 AM0403Zero Four Zero Three
04:04 AM0404Zero Four Zero Four
04:05 AM0405Zero Four Zero Five
04:06 AM0406Zero Four Zero Six
04:07 AM0407Zero Four Zero Seven
04:08 AM0408Zero Four Zero Eight
04:09 AM0409Zero Four Zero Nine
04:10 AM0410Zero Four Ten
04:11 AM0411Zero Four Eleven
04:12 AM0412Zero Four Twelve
04:13 AM0413Zero Four Thirteen
04:14 AM0414Zero Four Fourteen
04:15 AM0415Zero Four Fifteen
04:16 AM0416Zero Four Sixteen
04:17 AM0417Zero Four Seventeen
04:18 AM0418Zero Four Eighteen
04:19 AM0419Zero Four Nineteen
04:20 AM0420Zero Four Twenty
04:21 AM0421Zero Four Twenty-One
04:22 AM0422Zero Four Twenty-Two
04:23 AM0423Zero Four Twenty-Three
04:24 AM0424Zero Four Twenty-Four
04:25 AM0425Zero Four Twenty-Five
04:26 AM0426Zero Four Twenty-Six
04:27 AM0427Zero Four Twenty-Seven
04:28 AM0428Zero Four Twenty-Eight
04:29 AM0429Zero Four Twenty-Nine
04:30 AM0430Zero Four Thirty
04:31 AM0431Zero Four Thirty-One
04:32 AM0432Zero Four Thirty-Two
04:33 AM0433Zero Four Thirty-Three
04:34 AM0434Zero Four Thirty-Four
04:35 AM0435Zero Four Thirty-Five
04:36 AM0436Zero Four Thirty-Six
04:37 AM0437Zero Four Thirty-Seven
04:38 AM0438Zero Four Thirty-Eight
04:39 AM0439Zero Four Thirty-Nine
04:40 AM0440Zero Four Forty
04:41 AM0441Zero Four Forty-One
04:42 AM0442Zero Four Forty-Two
04:43 AM0443Zero Four Forty-Three
04:44 AM0444Zero Four Forty-Four
04:45 AM0445Zero Four Forty-Five
04:46 AM0446Zero Four Forty-Six
04:47 AM0447Zero Four Forty-Seven
04:48 AM0448Zero Four Forty-Eight
04:49 AM0449Zero Four Forty-Nine
04:50 AM0450Zero Four Fifty
04:51 AM0451Zero Four Fifty-One
04:52 AM0452Zero Four Fifty-Two
04:53 AM0453Zero Four Fifty-Three
04:54 AM0454Zero Four Fifty-Four
04:55 AM0455Zero Four Fifty-Five
04:56 AM0456Zero Four Fifty-Six
04:57 AM0457Zero Four Fifty-Seven
04:58 AM0458Zero Four Fifty-Eight
04:59 AM0459Zero Four Fifty-Nine

What is Standard Time (AM/PM)?

Standard time is an essential concept that helps us keep track of the hours in a day and organize our lives. It is also known as regular time, and it refers to the specific times at which clocks in different areas are set. This system was established in 1883 when the International Meridian Conference declared that the world would be divided into 24 time zones, each with its own standard time. Standard time is important for keeping everyone on the same page; it allows us to make sure we are arriving on time for meetings and appointments, and it can have a major impact on how we interact with people around the globe.