Convert 0814 military time into standard (regular) AM/PM format.
0814 = 8:14 AM
0814 = 8:14 AM using regular (standard) 12-hour AM/PM notation.
What time is 0814 military time? 8:14 AM on the standard 12-hour clock. Pronounced “Zero Eight Fourteen”, It can be challenging to compare 0814 to 8:14 AM standard time. The conversion of both timekeeping systems is thoroughly explained in this tutorial. This includes advice on how to change military time to the 12-hour format as well as the correct way to pronounce words when talking. You can find a quick reference for 0814 below and more information on conversion and details for each minute from 0800 – 0859 military time through a time chart.
Military Time (24-Hour Clock) | 12-Hour Regular Time |
0814 | 8:14 AM |
Converting 0814 Military Time into Regular/Standard Time
Converting 0814 from 24-hour military time to 12-hour time is easy!
- Identify if the time has a leading 0 (zero). For example, 0547. The zero is a “leading zero.“
- When converting military time with a leading zero to standard time, the zero is removed. A leading zero means the converted time should be AM.
- First, we would take would 0814 military time, then add a colon between the hours (08) and minutes (14) leaving 08:14.
- Since we are considering 0814 with a leading zero, we would also drop the zero to convert military time to standard time.
- 0814 military time = 08:14 – leading zero + : + 14 minutes = 8:14 AM.
Extra If you were considering a conversion for 2014 instead, the converted standard time would be 8:14 PM.
How to Say 0814 (8:14 AM) in Military Time
You can say as: “Zero Eight Fourteen hours.”
Military Time to Standard/Regular Time Conversion Tool
Use the tool below to convert military time to standard time or, alternatively, converted standard time to military time quickly and easily!0814 Military Time Conversion Chart
12 Hour Clock | Military Time | How to Say |
08:00 AM | 0800 | Zero Eight Hundred |
08:01 AM | 0801 | Zero Eight Zero One |
08:02 AM | 0802 | Zero Eight Zero Two |
08:03 AM | 0803 | Zero Eight Zero Three |
08:04 AM | 0804 | Zero Eight Zero Four |
08:05 AM | 0805 | Zero Eight Zero Five |
08:06 AM | 0806 | Zero Eight Zero Six |
08:07 AM | 0807 | Zero Eight Zero Seven |
08:08 AM | 0808 | Zero Eight Zero Eight |
08:09 AM | 0809 | Zero Eight Zero Nine |
08:10 AM | 0810 | Zero Eight Ten |
08:11 AM | 0811 | Zero Eight Eleven |
08:12 AM | 0812 | Zero Eight Twelve |
08:13 AM | 0813 | Zero Eight Thirteen |
08:14 AM | 0814 | Zero Eight Fourteen |
08:15 AM | 0815 | Zero Eight Fifteen |
08:16 AM | 0816 | Zero Eight Sixteen |
08:17 AM | 0817 | Zero Eight Seventeen |
08:18 AM | 0818 | Zero Eight Eighteen |
08:19 AM | 0819 | Zero Eight Nineteen |
08:20 AM | 0820 | Zero Eight Twenty |
08:21 AM | 0821 | Zero Eight Twenty-One |
08:22 AM | 0822 | Zero Eight Twenty-Two |
08:23 AM | 0823 | Zero Eight Twenty-Three |
08:24 AM | 0824 | Zero Eight Twenty-Four |
08:25 AM | 0825 | Zero Eight Twenty-Five |
08:26 AM | 0826 | Zero Eight Twenty-Six |
08:27 AM | 0827 | Zero Eight Twenty-Seven |
08:28 AM | 0828 | Zero Eight Twenty-Eight |
08:29 AM | 0829 | Zero Eight Twenty-Nine |
08:30 AM | 0830 | Zero Eight Thirty |
08:31 AM | 0831 | Zero Eight Thirty-One |
08:32 AM | 0832 | Zero Eight Thirty-Two |
08:33 AM | 0833 | Zero Eight Thirty-Three |
08:34 AM | 0834 | Zero Eight Thirty-Four |
08:35 AM | 0835 | Zero Eight Thirty-Five |
08:36 AM | 0836 | Zero Eight Thirty-Six |
08:37 AM | 0837 | Zero Eight Thirty-Seven |
08:38 AM | 0838 | Zero Eight Thirty-Eight |
08:39 AM | 0839 | Zero Eight Thirty-Nine |
08:40 AM | 0840 | Zero Eight Forty |
08:41 AM | 0841 | Zero Eight Forty-One |
08:42 AM | 0842 | Zero Eight Forty-Two |
08:43 AM | 0843 | Zero Eight Forty-Three |
08:44 AM | 0844 | Zero Eight Forty-Four |
08:45 AM | 0845 | Zero Eight Forty-Five |
08:46 AM | 0846 | Zero Eight Forty-Six |
08:47 AM | 0847 | Zero Eight Forty-Seven |
08:48 AM | 0848 | Zero Eight Forty-Eight |
08:49 AM | 0849 | Zero Eight Forty-Nine |
08:50 AM | 0850 | Zero Eight Fifty |
08:51 AM | 0851 | Zero Eight Fifty-One |
08:52 AM | 0852 | Zero Eight Fifty-Two |
08:53 AM | 0853 | Zero Eight Fifty-Three |
08:54 AM | 0854 | Zero Eight Fifty-Four |
08:55 AM | 0855 | Zero Eight Fifty-Five |
08:56 AM | 0856 | Zero Eight Fifty-Six |
08:57 AM | 0857 | Zero Eight Fifty-Seven |
08:58 AM | 0858 | Zero Eight Fifty-Eight |
08:59 AM | 0859 | Zero Eight Fifty-Nine |