What is 12 AM Military Time (12:00 AM)?

Convert 12AM regular time (12:00 AM) into 24-hour military time format.

12:00 AM = 0000

12:00 AM = 0000 Hours using military time notation, 00:00 using a 24-Hour clock notation.

What is 12 AM military time?

What time is 12AM Regular Time? 0000 (Zero Hundred Hours) military time on a 24-hour clock. Military time, also known as 24-hour time, is a system of timekeeping based on the 24-hour clock instead of a 12-hour clock. In this system, hours are numbered from 0 to 23, with midnight being 00 and noon being 12. Military time is used by militaries and other organizations around the world to ensure precise timing and coordination between different parties. It is also often used in aviation and maritime settings due to the global nature of these activities. You can find a quick reference below as well as more information on conversion and details for each minute from 12:00 AM – 12:59 AM through a time chart.

12-Hour Regular TimeMilitary Time (24-Hour Clock)
12:00 AM0000

Quick Guide: Convert 12AM Regular/Standard Time into Military Time

Converting 12:00 AM from 12-hour time to 24-hour military time is easy!

  1. Identify if the time is AM or PM. After committing it to memory, remove it.
  2. Since 12AM is the start of the 24-hour clock, the hours are converted from 12 to 00.
  3. Since we are considering 12:00 AM, we would convert the hours to 00.
  4. 12:00 AM > 00 Hours + 00 minutes – AM = 00:00 or 0000 military time.

If you were considering a conversion for 12:00 PM instead, the converted military time would be 12:00 or 1200. This is pronounced “Twelve Hundred.”

Military Time to Regular/Standard Time Conversion Tool

Use the tool below to convert military time to standard time or, alternatively, converted standard time to military time quickly and easily!

Note: Select below to convert standard time (AM/PM) to military time.


How to Say 12 AM (0000) in Military Time

You can say 0000 as: “zero hundred hours” or “zero-zero-zero-zero hours”

12 AM Regular Time Conversion Chart

12 Hour Clock Military Time How to Say
12:00 AM 0000 Zero Hundred
12:01 AM 0001 Zero Zero Zero One
12:02 AM 0002 Zero Zero Zero Two
12:03 AM 0003 Zero Zero Zero Three
12:04 AM 0004 Zero Zero Zero Four
12:05 AM 0005 Zero Zero Zero Five
12:06 AM 0006 Zero Zero Zero Six
12:07 AM 0007 Zero Zero Zero Seven
12:08 AM 0008 Zero Zero Zero Eight
12:09 AM 0009 Zero Zero Zero Nine
12:10 AM 0010 Zero Zero Ten
12:11 AM 0011 Zero Zero Eleven
12:12 AM 0012 Zero Zero Twelve
12:13 AM 0013 Zero Zero Thirteen
12:14 AM 0014 Zero Zero Fourteen
12:15 AM 0015 Zero Zero Thirteen
12:16 AM 0016 Zero Zero Sixteen
12:17 AM 0017 Zero Zero Seventeen
12:18 AM 0018 Zero Zero Eighteen
12:19 AM 0019 Zero Zero Zero Nine
12:20 AM 0020 Zero Zero Twenty
12:21 AM 0021 Zero Zero Twenty-One
12:22 AM 0022 Zero Zero Twenty-Two
12:23 AM 0023 Zero Zero Twenty-Three
12:24 AM 0024 Zero Zero Twenty-Four
12:25 AM 0025 Zero Zero Twenty-Five
12:26 AM 0026 Zero Zero Twenty-Six
12:27 AM 0027 Zero Zero Twenty-Seven
12:28 AM 0028 Zero Zero Twenty-Eight
12:29 AM 0029 Zero Zero Twenty-Nine
12:30 AM 0030 Zero Zero Thirty
12:31 AM 0031 Zero Zero Thirty-One
12:32 AM 0032 Zero Zero Thirty-Two
12:33 AM 0033 Zero Zero Thirty-Three
12:34 AM 0034 Zero Zero Thirty-Four
12:35 AM 0035 Zero Zero Thirty-Five
12:36 AM 0036 Zero Zero Thirty-Six
12:37 AM 0037 Zero Zero Thirty-Seven
12:38 AM 0038 Zero Zero Thirty-Eight
12:39 AM 0039 Zero Zero Thirty-Nine
12:40 AM 0040 Zero Zero Forty
12:41 AM 0041 Zero Zero Forty-One
12:42 AM 0042 Zero Zero Forty-Two
12:43 AM 0043 Zero Zero Forty-Three
12:44 AM 0044 Zero Zero Forty-Four
12:45 AM 0045 Zero Zero Forty-Five
12:46 AM 0046 Zero Zero Forty-Six
12:47 AM 0047 Zero Zero Forty-Seven
12:48 AM 0048 Zero Zero Forty-Eight
12:49 AM 0049 Zero Zero Forty-Nine
12:50 AM 0050 Zero Zero Fifty
12:51 AM 0051 Zero Zero Fifty-One
12:52 AM 0052 Zero Zero Fifty-Two
12:53 AM 0053 Zero Zero Fifty-Three
12:54 AM 0054 Zero Zero Fifty-Four
12:55 AM 0055 Zero Zero Fifty-Five
12:56 AM 0056 Zero Zero Fifty-Six
12:57 AM 0057 Zero Zero Fifty-Seven
12:58 AM 0058 Zero Zero Fifty-Eight
12:59 AM 0059 Zero Zero Fifty-Nine

0000 vs 2400

Essentially, these are the same. Both time values refer to midnight or 12:00 AM. Though the protocol and preference are to utilize 0000. To explore this issue deeper, read our midnight military time guide.

What is Military Time?

Military time, also known as 24-hour clock, is the way of expressing time in which the day runs from midnight to midnight and is divided into 24 hours instead of 12. This system of keeping track of time has been used by the military since World War II and is now commonly used by civilians across the world. Understanding Military Time can be helpful in many different situations and in many different fields.

More on Military Time: