What is 0053 Military Time?

Convert 0053 military time into standard (regular) AM/PM format.

0053 = 12:53 AM

0053 = 12:53 AM using regular (standard) 12-hour AM/PM notation.

What time is 0053 military time? 12:53 AM on the standard 12-hour clock. The comparison of 0053 military time to 12:53 AM standard time can be confusing. This guide is designed to clearly outline the conversion of both timekeeping methods. This includes tips on how to convert 0053 military time to the 12-hour format and also how to properly pronounce 0053 when communicating. You can find a quick reference for 0053 below and more information on conversion and details for each minute from 0000 – 0059 military time through a time chart.

Military Time (24-Hour Clock) 12-Hour Regular Time
0053 12:53 AM

Converting 0053 Military Time into Regular/Standard Time

Converting 0053 from 24-hour military time to 12-hour time is easy!

  1. The 24-hour clock begins at 0000 hours or 12 AM.
  2. Since 0000 is the start of the 24-hour clock, the hours are converted from 00 to 12 to match the AM/PM timekeeping system.
  3. Since we are considering 0053, we would convert the hours from 00 to 12.
  4. 0053 military time > 12 hours + 53 minutes = 12:53 AM.

Extra If you were considering a conversion for 1253 instead, the converted standard time would be 12:53 PM.

How to Say 0053 (12:53 AM) in Military Time

You can say as: “Zero Zero Fifty-Three hours.”

Military Time to Standard/Regular Time Conversion Tool

Use the tool below to convert military time to standard time or, alternatively, converted standard time to military time quickly and easily!

Note: Select below to convert standard time (AM/PM) to military time.


0053 Military Time Conversion Chart

12 Hour ClockMilitary TimeHow to Say
12:00 AM0000Zero Hundred
12:01 AM0001Zero Zero Zero One
12:02 AM0002Zero Zero Zero Two
12:03 AM0003Zero Zero Zero Three
12:04 AM0004Zero Zero Zero Four
12:05 AM0005Zero Zero Zero Five
12:06 AM0006Zero Zero Zero Six
12:07 AM0007Zero Zero Zero Seven
12:08 AM0008Zero Zero Zero Eight
12:09 AM0009Zero Zero Zero Nine
12:10 AM0010Zero Zero Ten
12:11 AM0011Zero Zero Eleven
12:12 AM0012Zero Zero Twelve
12:13 AM0013Zero Zero Thirteen
12:14 AM0014Zero Zero Fourteen
12:15 AM0015Zero Zero Fifteen
12:16 AM0016Zero Zero Sixteen
12:17 AM0017Zero Zero Seventeen
12:18 AM0018Zero Zero Eighteen
12:19 AM0019Zero Zero Nineteen
12:20 AM0020Zero Zero Twenty
12:21 AM0021Zero Zero Twenty-One
12:22 AM0022Zero Zero Twenty-Two
12:23 AM0023Zero Zero Twenty-Three
12:24 AM0024Zero Zero Twenty-Four
12:25 AM0025Zero Zero Twenty-Five
12:26 AM0026Zero Zero Twenty-Six
12:27 AM0027Zero Zero Twenty-Seven
12:28 AM0028Zero Zero Twenty-Eight
12:29 AM0029Zero Zero Twenty-Nine
12:30 AM0030Zero Zero Thirty
12:31 AM0031Zero Zero Thirty-One
12:32 AM0032Zero Zero Thirty-Two
12:33 AM0033Zero Zero Thirty-Three
12:34 AM0034Zero Zero Thirty-Four
12:35 AM0035Zero Zero Thirty-Five
12:36 AM0036Zero Zero Thirty-Six
12:37 AM0037Zero Zero Thirty-Seven
12:38 AM0038Zero Zero Thirty-Eight
12:39 AM0039Zero Zero Thirty-Nine
12:40 AM0040Zero Zero Forty
12:41 AM0041Zero Zero Forty-One
12:42 AM0042Zero Zero Forty-Two
12:43 AM0043Zero Zero Forty-Three
12:44 AM0044Zero Zero Forty-Four
12:45 AM0045Zero Zero Forty-Five
12:46 AM0046Zero Zero Forty-Six
12:47 AM0047Zero Zero Forty-Seven
12:48 AM0048Zero Zero Forty-Eight
12:49 AM0049Zero Zero Forty-Nine
12:50 AM0050Zero Zero Fifty
12:51 AM0051Zero Zero Fifty-One
12:52 AM0052Zero Zero Fifty-Two
12:53 AM0053Zero Zero Fifty-Three
12:54 AM0054Zero Zero Fifty-Four
12:55 AM0055Zero Zero Fifty-Five
12:56 AM0056Zero Zero Fifty-Six
12:57 AM0057Zero Zero Fifty-Seven
12:58 AM0058Zero Zero Fifty-Eight
12:59 AM0059Zero Zero Fifty-Nine

What is Standard Time (AM/PM)?

The 12-hour clock is a way of measuring the time that is based on dividing the 24 hours of a day into two halves – AM (ante meridiem) and PM (post meridiem). This system is also known as regular or standard time. This system divides the day into two equal parts – morning and afternoon/evening. In the morning, from midnight to noon, we use AM, while from noon to midnight we use PM. Each half of the day is then subdivided into twelve one-hour intervals beginning at 1 o’clock AM or PM and ending at 12 o’clock AM or PM.